I am reposting this blog post from Alexander in The Forest as it is such an interesting description of how awareness and mindfulness changes our lives as well as the lives of the dogs around us! "THIS IS BETTER THEN SMOKING DOPE The other day I went to pick up one of our dogs from the vets, I went with the vet nurse to the treatment room, she explained what I need to do post operation, during our conversation she asked what do I do. I told her that I’m an Alexander Technique teacher, she said the usual, “What’s that?”. My description that morning was, I teach people to be in balance, that’s with gravity and also with time and space.
She replied: “oh!” We walked to the get my dog from the kennels. I asked here if she wanted to experience what I teach? Yes please. I explained it’s firstly about noticing things and just observing. (if you want, please play along with what I told her) The first thing to notice is yourself, notice your feet touching the ground as you walk, then notice your body from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. We arrived at the kennels, she let my dog from the crate, lots of fussing and then we tried to get his body sock on to protect his stitches. He wasn’t having any of it. I suggested that we can calm him easily by simply noticing ourselves like I just mentioned, if that doesn’t work then notice the space around you. It worked and he immediately went quiet, she was amazed! We put his body sock on. There was only one other dog in the kennels, he was panting and very stressed. Our thinking wasn’t working on him. I said lets see if we can calm him down. Again notice yourself and the space around you and include the dog in your space. The panting slowed but he still wanted to pant. She commented that the energy in the room had changed it was now calm. I challenged her to experiment again, same routine with another extra. Notice yourself, the space around you and this time you have the freedom to leave the room whenever you want to. The panting stopped! He still had his head up. She commented the energy in the room has changed again, it was still very calm but now more crisp and energetic. One last experiment, repeat your thoughts without words, over and over again. The dog rested his head on his front paws. We both sat on the floor of the kennels with my dog lying on his back, the other dog quiet in his crate. She said she wanted to stay here all day, she’s never been so chilled and energised at the same time. She said this is better then smoking dope! You can have this experience if you want. I have the experience most of the time and can show you how. This is being present in the here and now, it is available to all. Veterinary nurses love it, well the one I was with. Dogs love it, definitely my dogs. YOU can love it to It is your life but a whole lot better." https://alexanderintheforest.co.uk/2018/09/23/this-is-better-then-smoking-dope/ SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 JOHNSTEVENSON99
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Ronit CorrySanta Barbara Dog Whisperer Archives
May 2023